UrBrainy Multiplication Tables Check
This website is a free resource for children to practise the rapid recall of their times tables.
MTC - Multiplication Tables Check -
Children have been given a username and password to use this site
A site with thousands of quality interactive resources for ages 3-5, 5-7
and 7-11.
Some classes have been signed up to the site and will have a password
to play. Parents can log on for free to create an account too.
A variety of interactive games covering all areas of the maths curriculum
A variety of interactive games covering all areas of the maths curriculum. Also
this site has links to Early Years, English and Science.
Spelling Shed. Use this website for fun, engaging games to promote spelling.
A searchable site with thousands of quality interactive resources for ages 3-5, 5-7 and 7-11.
A link to the English activities. This site also has links to early years, maths and science.
Vocabulary Games, Spelling Games and Alphabet Games
These games are generally targeted at Foundation and KS1 age children with links to
Reading and Phonics/5705BEDB8BAE687A5F294B7D468CF8BA.jpg)
Oxford Owls for e-readers. Register for free.
Reading Cloud
Little Wandle. The resources on this page will help you support your child with saying their sounds and writing their letters. There are also some useful videos so you can see how they are taught at school and feel confident about supporting their reading at home.
Use these free resources to help support phonics.
Phonics Play. Use the login found on Y1 class page to access fun and interactive phonics games.
European Space Agency. Use this for online games, science news and competitions to enter themed around space.
NASA website. Spark your curiosity and ignite your sense of wonder with the 'Image of the day'.
Brain POP. Engage with videos, quizzes, worksheets and more to find out how the world works.
WOW Science. Use this website for access to online games, activities, videos and experiments.
The Royal Society. Follow this link for online and interactive science games and experiences.
Online educational learning games and activities for Foundation
Stage, Key Stage 1, Key Stage 2.
Children will be reminded of the Student log on in order to access this site.