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Year 3

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Welcome to Year 3!

We are so glad you are here! We hope you enjoy finding out about our learning journey and being kept up to date with important information. Please follow us on 'X' @LeasowesPrimary for more updates on our learning.

Miss Roe and Miss Chesworth

December 2024

Autumn 2

Wow! What a brilliant time we are having in Year 3. The children are working so hard and doing themselves very proud. Please read on to find out what we have been learning about recently.

In English, we have planned and written a new chapter for our class text 'The Boy with the Bronze Axe'. We came up with some fantastic ideas and used many descriptive writing features to engage the reader. We have also been inspired by the Stone Age to write our own poem about this period of time using rhyming couplets.

The children have thoroughly enjoyed learning about the Stone Age and after Christmas we will be moving onto our next Geography unit about rivers and the water cycle. Stone Age day was an absolute success and the children enjoyed every moment! Have a look at our newsletter to find out more about what we got up to during this memorable moment. 

In Maths, we have built on our learning of measurement from Year 2 and progressed to measuring the perimeter of 2D shapes. We were lucky enough to receive a letter from a museum who expressed an interest in needing our help to create a 2D model of Stonehenge. We used our 'ruler rules' to accurately measure and record the perimeter of each 2D stone to help the museum out! More recently, we have been learning about weight and mass. Following the CPA approach, we measured real-life objects on scales and carefully read the integers to measure and compare weights. We then looked at some images of scales and worked out how much objects weighed and worked hard to convert grams to kilograms.

A particular highlight of the curriculum this half term has been our Food Technology lessons where we have been learning about a balanced diet, the inspirational brand, Warburtons and planning and making our bread rolls. The children applied new skills to make their delicious bread rolls and what a fabulous job they did!

Thank you for your ongoing support and look forward to seeing the children again after the Chirstmas break!

Miss Roe and Miss Chesworth

September 2024

We have had a brilliant first week welcoming the children back to school! The children have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know their new classrooms and have shown enjoyment in the learning that has taken place. We have introduced the children to their first English text: ‘Stone Age Boy’ by Satoshi Kitamura’. We will be writing a diary entry from the perspective of the main character about the events that happen when he meets his new friend, Om. In Maths, we have been revisiting our 2-digit place value knowledge, addition and subtraction of two 2-digit numbers and are beginning to understand the place value of 3-digit numbers.

Autumn 1

During our first Geography unit this year, the children will be learning about different geographical regions of the United Kingdom. So far, we have revisited the capital cities of the United Kingdom, identified the human features of a city and reasoned why Stafford is not a city. The children will continue to develop their knowledge of the United Kingdom by identifying the cities that are the closest to Stafford, understanding the impact industry has had on different cities, identifying the counties surrounding Stafford and identify the human and physical features of Staffordshire. 

PE and Forest School

This half term, Forest School will be on a Thursday afternoon and PE will be on a Friday afternoon. PE kits can be kept in school lockers and their kit should include a warm layer such as a hoodie and tracksuit bottoms/leggings for outdoor PE. Long hair should be tied back and earrings cannot be worn for PE or Forest School. Forest School kits will need to be brought into school on a Thursday and then washed and returned for the following week’s lesson. This means that the space in the children’s lockers will not be taken up unnecessarily.

Spellings and Homework

Spellings will be sent home on a Monday and tested the following Monday. Homework for Maths or English will be set on a Wednesday and be collected the following Monday. Diaries need to be signed each time your child reads and we encourage them to read for a few minutes every day as this makes a huge difference to their progress. We ask that children bring these into school every day.


In Key Stage Two, children can either bring in a healthy snack from home for morning break, or they can bring a small amount of money (in a named purse or named envelope) to buy a snack from the kitchen. Prices vary from 10p for a slice of toast to £1 for a bacon/sausage bap and drink on a Friday. 


As the children will now be in Year 3, they will be entering through the KS2 gate (same as Year 2) but walking through the walkway to their new classrooms. At the end of the school day, children will be released at 3.20pm through the Leasowes Extra entrance. If children bring bikes or scooters into school, they are to be stored outside on the KS2 playground during the day and then collected after they have been dismissed via the Leasowes Extra door. 

We look forward to the year ahead in Year 3!

Miss Roe and Miss Chesworth


Year 3 Staff Team

Miss F Roe (3R Class Teacher)

Miss E Chesworth (3C Class Teacher)

Mrs M Hodgens (Year 3 Teaching Assistant)

Mr R Williams (Year 3 Teaching Assistant)

Mrs D Cooper (Year 3 Teaching Assistant)  



General Resources:

Useful Websites for use at home to supplement Homework or to use during any Isolation periods you may need to take. 

BBC Bitesize KS2 - English, Maths and Science videos, games and more.

Spelling Frame - A simple website for practising the Year 3/4 and 5/6 spelling lists.

Sumdog - Online maths games. Please see your teacher for your login.

Mad4Maths - Click on “For Kids” to access some fun games to practise speed of recall of times tables.

Crickweb - A range of English games and activities.

KS2 Literacy - Activities to reinforce and practise a range of spelling rules.

Spellzone - A range of activities and games to practise a range of spelling rules and patterns.  

My Mini Maths 

Completely free to use. The Mini-Maths section allows quick warm ups where you can practise the same concept for 5 days in a row. They also have something called TT38 (times table challenge) based around the premise that when you remove the easier times tables they call the basics, there are 38 core facts to know. Children practise these core and basic facts, alongside the related division facts in a rotation of ten days. Find more information here...

Times Table Rockstars

Children can use this as part of our whole school subscription to practise daily times tables. Please see your child's Home School Record for their login details. 

Reading Cloud

Children can use the whole school subscription to the Reading Cloud by using their individual barcodes in their Home School Records. There are some ebooks that they can access to read from home. They can also search for books and write their own reviews.