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Year 4


Welcome to Year 4!

On this page, we will share important dates and information for reference throughout the year, as well as celebrating the fantastic learning happening in Year 4. 

Year 4 Staff Team:
Mrs C Widdett (4W Class Teacher and Lower Key Stage 2 Phase Leader)
Miss B Sharrock (4TL Class Teacher)
Mr N Edensor (4W Class Teacher)
Mrs J Nicholls (Teaching Assistant)
Mrs K Leicester (Teaching Assistant)

Important Information 
Here, we will post important dates and information.

Please ensure children are equipped with kit for both indoor and outdoor lessons. Where children have ear piercings, they must remove these for PE and be capable of taking out their own jewellery. Please see our uniform policy for further information. Both classes will go swimming on Friday mornings. Our other P.E lesson will be on a Tuesday afternoon.

Y4 have violin lessons. 4S will have these lessons and a Wednesday afternoon until February half term. 4W will then resume lessons until the end of the academic year. 

October 2024

Wow! The first half term has flown by and all of a sudden we find ourselves at our first half-term break. The children have settled beautifully into the year group and it was a pleasure for all three of us to meet so many parents at our recent parents' evening to share how well everyone is getting on.

In maths, we have focused largely on number and we've already started working hard on fluency within times tables ahead of our MTC in June. Times Table Rockstars has taken a bit of a battering from our Y4s! We've also begun working on our understanding of shape, specifically looking at properties of 2d shape and reflection. In English, we've been loving reading How To Train You Dragon and being inspired to write to entertain and inform through poetry, descriptions and non-chronological reports. When we return after half-term, we'll be writing our own report based on a fictional dragon and, if their plans are anything to go by, the finished products will be brilliant!

Year 4s always love our current science unit based on Teeth and the Digestive System. Staring into mirrors, counting our teeth and identifying the types we have and making interactive models to represent them has been enormous fun and made our learning real. We've recently started our learning about the Digestive System and soon we'll be creating a real-life model... watch this space!!

Elsewhere in the curriculum, 4S have been busy starting their learning with violins while 4W has been exploring Stravinsky's Firebird Finale in their music lessons. Mrs Widdett has been especially impressed by her class' creativity when composing and improvising around the tune we've learnt. 

Finally, we'd be remiss if we didn't share the outcomes of our Autumn art unit. Children's drawings in sketchbooks just got better and better and the final piece - our clay dragon eyes - were showstoppers! 

Aside from formal academic learning, we've also been floored by the children's growing maturity, kindness and values in action. It's been a great half term... bring on Autumn 2!

Welcome back!
September 2024

Welcome back to a new academic year at Leasowes. We are so excited to welcome back the brand new crop of Year 4s. The Autumn term is a busy one around school, so we encourage all parents to spend some time looking at the Parent News tab, specifically the School Calendar where all important dates for the year (that have already been organised!) have been added. An early date for your diary is our Meet the Teacher night on Wednesday 11th September where you can meet your child's new teacher(s) and learn about what to expect in Year 4. If you can't make it, the slides/information will be added to the bottom of this page following the meeting.

We start off the year group with a brilliant focus in History on the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. This is further strengthened with our reading of Cressida Cowell's 'How to Train Your Dragon' - the teachers' firm favourite of the year! We will be learning about how Britain changed after the fall of the Romans and how these settlers/invaders (you decide!) changed this country throughout this time in history. 

Across the curriculum, we will be looking at the importance of Harvest in RE ahead of our Harvest Festival celebrations in October. In PSHE, we will be considering our feelings and those of others in our unit entitled 'Being Me in My World'. Our artwork will initially focus on the work of MC Escher and culminate in brilliant clay dragon eyes.

In Maths, we always start the year by ensuring children have a solid grounding in the basics of place value, use of the four operations and the number system. As you will no doubt be aware, in Y4 children undertake the Multiplication Tables Check in June and we are already supporting children to do their best, beat their scores and reap the rewards of being fluent in their tables across the maths curriculum. We thank you for your ongoing support in this. 

Homework continues to be set on a Wednesday and due on a Monday. Please check your children's diaries regularly, signing weekly, and watch out for any further communication.

Y4 Team