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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6.

Welcome to our page and thank you for visiting! Here, find out what Year 6 are up to, view some of our amazing work and keep up-to-date with notices and dates important to our year group. 

Please use these clickable links to navigate our page.

 Important Information / Useful Links 

SATs Information Evening for Parents - Monday 13th January at 5pm
Revision Club begins 20th January, running straight after school until 4:20pm.


Welcome Year 6, Class of 2024

Year 6 Staff Team:

Miss Matthews 
Mr Rock
Mrs Turnock  (6R Teaching Assistant)
Mrs Rowell (6M Teaching Assistant)
Mr B Coombs (Maths Teacher)

Spring 1
PE Days are now Monday and Thursday afternoons.
Revision Club begins 20th January, running straight after school until 4:20pm.

The Spring term is always a favourite amongst teachers: children know their teachers well and their progress absolutely sky-rockets! This is especially true of our Year Sixes who are getting ready for their end-of-KS2 assessments. Our lessons are quick-paced, varied and focused on covering elements of the full Key Stage 2 curriculum so we feel confident going into those test rooms in May. This term, we are looking forward to reading David Long's Survivors book in our English lessons, supporting our understanding of our Geography unit, Survivors. We will be learning about climate, weather, and extreme natural disasters! 

Autumn 2

This term, we are looking forward to reading David Long's Survivors book in our English lessons, supporting our understanding of our Geography unit, Survivors. We will be learning about climate, weather, and extreme natural disasters!

Another half-term has flown by. Throughout the last few months, Year 6 have been learning about World War II. Our brilliant text that drives our English learning was Once by Morris Gleitzman. This story tells the tale of Felix, a Polish Jew who breaks out of the Catholic orphanage his parents placed him in for safety as Hitler's Nazis sweep through occupied Europe. Children have been gripped as he journeys through the war-torn continent searching for his parents. As we finished the story, you could hear a pin drop! We are so pleased that so many of our children have been inspired to read the rest of the series: Then, Now, After, Soon, Maybe and Always.

In History, we have charted the chronology of events from the end of WW1. We learnt about how the Treaty of Versailles and the rise of Hitler led the world into another war just 21 years after the conclusion of the Great War.  We focused on how life changed for the people left at home as millions of people left their homes through Operation Pied Piper and were evacuated to safer areas. We added further context to our understanding gleaned from Once to understand how the persecution of the Jews lead to the Holocaust. Children were enthused and outraged in equal measure as they charted the laws through the 1930s and 40s.

This half term, children concluded their learning of Animals Including Humans and got underway with our second unit on Light. Children brought an impressive store of knowledge with them from their previous learning in Year 3. Across the half term, we have learnt that light travels in straight lines (and can even do this in a vacuum), planned and conducted a comparative test to understand what factors influence the size of shadows, debated the invention of the light bulb and argued over who deserves the credit for it and finally, learnt about the anatomy of the eye. After Christmas, we look forward to stretching our knowledge further with some learning on reflection and refraction.

Autumn 1

This term, we have started our learning of our Autumn history unit focusing on the First World War. Children have been enthralled in the historical learning as we chart the war from its roots in pre-war Empire and Alliances and through the catalyst assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Throughout the unit, we are currently discovering how life in the trenches of the Western Front added to the danger of the war and how the dire conditions claimed the lives of thousands.

At Leasowes, we are rooted in reading and are very proud of the reading spine our children enjoy as part of their English lessons. This half term, we have read Private Peaceful by Michael Morpurgo. This fabulous text has well and truly gripped the Year 6s! We followed brothers Tommo and Charlie from their quiet lives in Devon to the front line of World War I. With themes of betrayal, love, courage and cowardice, we already have some children desperate for a copy to re-read. To further supplement our reading here, children have studied some iconic war poems: The Call by Jessie Pope, In Flanders Fields by John McCrae, Dulce et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen, Aftermath by Seigfried Sassoon and For the Fallen by Lawrence Binyon. Our reading lessons enthused children to such a level that they asked to write their own poems, which of course we loved doing.

This term, Year 6 have been exploring the circulatory system, following on from their learning in Year 4 about other bodily systems including the digestion system. Starting with the heart, we learned how it is an organ, a muscle, a powerful pump. From there, we learned how blood flows around the body to become oxygenated in the lungs and supply the body with the fuel it needs to keep going. We put this to the test in an enquiry that aimed to discover what impact exercise has on the heart. Children have also been practising their skills of scientific reporting through presenting their learning on both the circulatory system and the lifestyle factors that can impact our health including diet and drugs.

During this half term, we had a great morning at Walton High School engaging in one of many transition activities of the year. Year 6 showed courage, collaboration and enjoyment performing to the best of their ability. The atmosphere was buzzing with energy and smiles as everyone gave their all to a fun filled morning of physical activities. We divided into small teams, with each group rotating through different sports stations. There was something for everyone! A personal favourite was the 'Rock Paper Scissors Hoop Hop'! It was a morning full of joy, teamwork, and exercise, and a wonderful memory for all involved!

Important Information
Here, we will post important dates and information.

This half-term, children will require their PE kits on Monday and Wednesday where PE will take place in the afternoon. Please ensure children are equipped with kit for both indoor and outdoor lessons. Where children have ear piercings, they must remove these for PE and be capable of taking out their own jewellery. Please see our uniform policy for further information. 

Condover Hall residential - Monday 4th November - Friday 8th November


Useful Links for Year Six
Please let me know if you discover another great one!

BBC Bitesize KS2 - English, Maths and Science videos, games and more.

Spelling Frame - A simple website for practising the Year 3/4 and 5/6 spelling lists.

Espresso Learning - A site school has bought into; see your teacher for your login.

Compare4Kids - Some free activities, including Year 6 SATs 'online boot camps'.

Sumdog - Online maths games. Please see your teacher for your login.

Parkfields Links - Links to a raft of helpful sites for revision.

iXL Maths - a subscription site, with limited free activities. Great for focusing on specific maths skills.

Clarity Maths - A site with links to  old style Key Stage 2 Maths Papers, Maths Tutorials as well as Maths Games.  Some of these games are linked to Memory and would therefore help pupils to retain key information.

Mad4Maths - Click on “For Kids” to access some fun games to practise speed of recall of times tables.

Crickweb - A range of English games and activities.

KS2 Literacy - Activities to reinforce and practise a range of spelling rules.

Spellzone - A range of activities and games to practise a range of spelling rules and patterns.  

For printable resources, please access our Pupil Secure area for Year Six.