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safeguarding and wellbeing

As you know, Mrs Bettany will always tell you that 'Safety' is the most important part of her job to get right. Everyone in school knows that if you all feel safe, then you are happy and ready to learn. In school, every single member of staff is trained in how to keep you safe, and we have 'policies' in place to make sure of this. Sometimes these policies are difficult to read, so we have made one for you that is much clearer to follow. This has been written and agreed alongside the Junior Leadership Team. Your teacher has already gone through it with you, and it is displayed in the class. You will also find it broken down on our Safeguarding display next to the KS2 hall. Remember everybody: Together we learn, Together we grow, Together we stay safe!

You'll find the policy at the bottom of this page. 

Anxiety and Worries




Grief and Bereavement


Self Esteem